When a loved one passes away, it's a very stressful time for you. If your loved one is being buried like 36.6% of people in 2021, according to The National Funeral Directors Association, you'll need to pick out a headstone for them. Picking out a headstone ahead of time from a headstone company, even with your loved one, will save you some worrying down the road. Here are four of the most popular types of headstones to choose from.
Upright headstones are exactly what they sound like, they are headstones that are upright and are the most traditional design. These headstones are composed of two parts, the base, and the die which is also known as the tablet. The tablet is an upright piece of stone that sits on top of the base and contains the person's name and information. There are many top finishes to choose from like a serpentine top, oval top, and corner rounds, so it can be personalized how you would like.
Slant headstones are similar to upright headstones with one big difference, they are vertical in the back but slanted in the front. Because of their shape, they are very sturdy and do not require a base, however, you can add a base if you would like. There are a couple of different options for slant headstones, so a headstone company will be able to show you the different options.
Flat headstones are also what the name suggests, flat headstones. These headstones can be completely flush with the ground or set a few inches above the ground. You also have the option of a bevel headstone which is slightly thinker than a flat headstone.
Bench headstones are both common grave markers as well as actual benches. This means they are sturdy enough to be sat while visiting your loved one, making them a very popular option. There are many bench options to choose from, such as a pedestal bench, park bench, arm bench, or monument bench. Visit a headstone company to pick the one you like best.
Choosing a headstone seems like a daunting task, but headstone companies are available to help you with your decision. Picking out a headstone option before your loved one passes will help make the process easier on you. Visit your local headstone company to plan and be prepared.
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