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4 Items People Are Requesting for Headstones

February 1, 2024

As you live your life, it's never too late to consider how you want your eventual passing to be handled. Whether you want cremation or a proper burial, you might be thinking about your headstone, final resting location, and the type of service you want your family to have for you. That's why headstone companies take in many requests daily. Here are four things people often request from headstone companies.

1. Cremation Resting Spot

According to NFDA's 2022 Consumer Awareness and Preferences Report, over 30% of people who want cremation want their remains buried or interred in a cemetery. Having their urn sitting in someone's home or ashes scattered at a location doesn't suit most people. In other words, even with cremation, people still want a headstone to mark their life.

2. Images

Have you seen images in headstones? An image can be a beautiful way to personalize one's memorial platform. According to the International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association, about 42% of people request adding a photo or image to their headstone. However, that photo or image isn't always of the deceased person's face. The image may also show a hobby, a symbol of their faith, or something else that represents their life.

3. Shared Headstone

If you've walked through a graveyard, you may have noticed shared headstones. It's an option used by many beloved married couples and other close family, even if they died at different times. A shared headstone is ideal when a family is buried close together and can continue to be just as close in death.

4. Granite

Granite is one of the hardest rocks on the planet, so it's the top choice for headstone material. While there are no set statistics on how many headstones are made from granite, walking through a graveyard shows the majority of them come from this material. Other materials such as sandstone, limestone, slate, iron, and bronze are also used, but not nearly at the same level as granite.

Now you know some of the requests professionals at your local headstone companies handle. From sourcing granite to adding images to creating shared headstones, people have options for a proper life send-off. If you need a quality headstone, don't hesitate to contact us at R Barany Monuments Inc today.

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