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Little-Known Facts About Headstones

July 24, 2023

Headstones honor and remember loved ones long after their passing. These markers provide family and friends a place to remain connected to the deceased. Did you know that, according to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, gravestones were frequently used in backyards as early as 1300 BC and weren't common in graveyards until the 1600s? Here are a few more facts about these markers.

The Name Headstone

For years, loved ones used piles of wood or rocks on graves according to Chabad. This ancient tradition was meant to prevent the dead from rising from the grave and involved placing a stone at the head of the grave, hence the name headstone.

Stones on Graves

Today, many people still use headstones, but it's not to keep the dead from rising and coming after us. Instead, the tradition of putting a stone on a grave is to let your loved ones, and others, know that a deceased person is buried there. Many people clean the stone every time they visit a grave.

Purchasing Monuments Anytime

An unexpected death and zero life insurance can financially strain loved ones. Funerals often cost thousands of dollars and don't include the cost of a gravestone. That's why many families choose to purchase one at a later date. You can have a funeral, buy a burial plot, and select a headstone when it's more financially feasible.

Having Gravestones After Cremation

More and more people are opting for cremations instead of traditional burials. According to NFDA's 2021 Cremation and Burial Report, the 2021 cremation rate reached 57.5%, while the burial rate was 36.6%. Most people think you don't get a gravestone if you're cremated, but that's not true. You can still purchase a memorial at a cemetery.

The Various Materials Available

All headstones are not created the same. Instead, various stones are available for you to choose from. Marble markers are less common and more expensive, but they instantly create a luxurious elegance that few other stones can compare to. Loved ones that want increased durability often opt for innovative quartz gravestones. You can select a product comprised of almost any stone imaginable.

Selecting a
headstone doesn't have to be a complex process. We have a wide variety of products available to suit every budget. Contact us at R Barany Monuments Inc for more information today.

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